On this page, a "Favored" Cocoon indicates the Cocoon the Character Muse is most likely to appear in. Information about each Character Muse's favorite cocoon can be found in the Your World tab after filtering for "Character Muses".

A Type NPCs Edit

Favored Cocoon: HOPE Edit

Favored Cocoon: ACT Edit

Favored Cocoon: FUN Edit

Favored Cocoon: LOVE Edit

B Type NPCs Edit

Favored Cocoon: HOPE Edit

Favored Cocoon: ACT Edit

Favored Cocoon: FUN Edit

Favored Cocoon: LOVE Edit

Special NPCs Edit

Muse Advisors Edit

de Schnauzer Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

  1. Prior to Version 1.2.0, this character was referred to by "Class-Rep Clarissa". This change was due to the in-game profanity filter censoring her name and referring to it as "Cl***-Rep Clarissa".
  2. Prior to Version 1.2.0, this character was referred to by "Hasty Hassan". This change was due to the in-game profanity filter censoring his name and referring to it as "Hasty H***an".