Daydreamer Sky

From Fashion Dreamer Wiki
Daydreamer Sky
Esoragoto no Sora
Default Appearance
Body Type A
Hairstyle Straight-Bangs Bob
Hair Color Black
Face Shape Type 3
Eyebrows Flat
Eyebrow Color Dark Gray
Lashes Dark Gray
Eyes Type 1
Eye Color Type 30
Eye Highlights Misty
Nose Type 1
Facial Accents Cheek Mole L
Facial Hair None
Facial Hair Color N/A
Lips Type 12
Lip Color Glossy Cinnabar
Skin Color Type 8
Makeup Flashy
Body Shape Type 5

Daydreamer Sky (Esoragoto no Sora) is a Type A Character Muse who can most often be found in Cocoon FUN.

Default Clothing[edit source]

Onepiece: Apron-Style Jumper Dress w/ Camellia Design
Socks: Crisscross-Lines Tights
Shoes: Scalloped Boots w/ Bows
Headwear: Beret

Affinity Levels[edit source]

Affinity Description
First Met Muse Notebook - Sky
Level 1 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 2 Loyal Follower
Level 3 Friend Introduction
Level 4 Nice Outfit - 10 Creative Keys
Level 5 Photo Pose - Daydreamer Sky
Level 6 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 7 Pattern - Rose-Print Shorts
Level 8 Lookit for You - 10 Creative Keys
Level 9 Lip Color - Glossy Cinnabar
Level 10 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys

Quotes[edit source]

Speech Bubbles[edit source]

Pre-Lookit Really...? Wow!
I love daydreaming.
Post-Lookit Thought of another!
What a great day! ♪

Lookit Greetings[edit source]

  • What if everybody here is actually a mannequin? And maybe they only move around when I'm looking?
  • You ever think maybe everyone else is just, like, reading from a script or something?!
  • Hey, what if this world isn't actually real...? What if all of this is just somebody's dream?
  • Wow. Imagine if I won the lottery... But, wait. Money can't buy happiness, right? ...Oh, NO!
  • What would it be like if everybody could hear my thoughts? ...Hey, you can't hear them... right?
  • What if you were suddenly swapped for somebody else? And what if I fell in love with them? ♪
  • What if you woke up one day with ESP? But it turned out everyone's thoughts were super boring?
  • What if I woke up and everyone had disappeared overnight? ...Guess I'd still try to find other survivors.
  • Hey, what if my crush was actually a superhero...? Fighting bad guys and stuff...? ♪
  • Wow. What if the world was actually created only five minutes ago! And all our memories were fake!
  • Daydreaming is the best way to pass the time! I'm always trying to think up new scenarios!
  • Whenever I have a second, I try to think up new scenarios. Anything goes in daydreams!

Lookit Results[edit source]

Good Fit Wow. What a romantic look! Ooh, it just made me think of a great, new daydream scenario! ♪
Wow. What a romantic look! Ooh, it just made me think of yet ANOTHER great, new daydream scenario! ♪
Bad Fit Oops! There I go again, daydreaming away. I just kinda zone out, ya know?
...You're telling me to keep my feet on the ground? Wait. Are you a spy from the Anti-Daydream League?
Good Colors By the way, I really love this color scheme. Does that mean you can hear my thoughts...?!

Lookit for You Event[edit source]

Greeting Late last night, I imagined that Earth was coming to an end... and I kinda scared myself!
I don't wanna have any regrets if the end comes, so I'm really hoping I can do a Lookit for you...
Post-Lookit I finished your Lookit! Now I won't have any regrets when the end comes.
Well, think I'll go home, finish that letter I started last month... And let's see. What else...?

Style My Item / Match My Hair Event[edit source]

Greeting I can't get my outfit right! What if I ran into my dream person at a time like this?!
Results What a dreamy outfit! I'll be fine if my dream person shows up when I'm wearing this... ♪

Item Unlock Event[edit source]

I was daydreaming and I had an idea! Use this and something wonderful might happen! ♪

Nice Outfit Event[edit source]

Greeting You look especially nice right now... I wonder what it'd be like if we traded places...?
Type A Player Well, we didn't trade places, exactly, but we have the same outfit! It's like a wonderful daydream! ♪
Type B Player But I guess we can't really trade places, can we? But at least I have a fun new daydream! ♪

Loyal Follower Event[edit source]

I'm sorry about having weird daydreams all the time... but I can't seem to stop!
And you're so interesting, you always inspire me to have new daydreams! ♪

Friend Introduction Event[edit source]

I told an acquaintance of mine about you, and they're interested in coming here to meet you!
And what if they come, and that act somehow saves the entire future of the world...? ♪

Showroom Visit[edit source]

Pre-Style Speech Bubble What should I do?
Greeting I've been standing here thinking about trying on that item of yours I keep hearing about...
But then I had a scary daydream about mannequins coming to life! Mind distracting me with an outfit?
Results What a fabulous outfit! It's making me forget all about that scary daydream!
M-Maybe we shouldn't take a selfie... What if I see something scary in the background...?
Post-Style Speech Bubble I-I'm not scared!

Names in Other Languages[edit source]

English[edit source]

Descriptor: Daydreamer
Name: Sky  

Français (French)

Descriptor: la rêveuse
Name: Ève
Additional Info: Written in-game as "Ève la rêveuse"  

Deutsch (German)

Descriptor: Tagträumerin
Name: Sky  

日本語 (Japanese)

Descriptor: 絵空事の (Esoragoto no)
Name: ソラ (Sora)

Trivia[edit source]

A datamine reveals the additional information about Daydreamer Sky.

Personal Information[edit source]

Age: 15
Country: Japan