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Prestigious Prescott

From Fashion Dreamer Wiki
Prestigious Prescott
Hinkouhousei na Aibii
Default Appearance
Body Type: B
Hairstyle: Quiff R
Hair Color 1: Rich Brown
Face Shape: Type 1
Eyebrows: Well-Defined
Eyebrow Color: Rich Brown
Lashes: Brown
Eyes: Type 24
Eye Color: Type 68
Eye Highlights: Charming
Nose: Type 2
Facial Accents: Mole Near Eye R
Facial Hair: None
Facial Hair Color: N/A
Lips: Type 6
Lip Color: Glossy Dull Orange
Skin Color: Type 20
Makeup: Sunburned Mango
Body Shape: Type 8

Prestigious Prescott (Hinkouhousei na Aibii) is a Type B Character Muse who can most often be found in Cocoon LOVE.

Default Outfit[edit source]

Top: Pinstripe Shirt
Bottom: Center-Crease Dress Pants
Outerwear: Velour Suit Jacket
Socks: Crew Socks
Shoes: Bit Loafers

Affinity Levels[edit source]

Affinity Description
First Met Muse Notebook - Prescott
Level 1 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 2 Loyal Follower
Level 3 Friend Introduction
Level 4 Nice Outfit - 10 Creative Keys
Level 5 Lip Color - Glossy Dull Orange
Level 6 Lookit for You - 10 Creative Keys
Level 7 Eye Color - Type 68
Level 8 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 9 Pattern - Plaid Crew Socks
Level 10 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 11 Photo Pose - Prestigious Prescott

Quotes[edit source]

Speech Bubbles[edit source]


Lookit Greetings[edit source]

  • I like to keep my tops tucked in! I'd tuck a trench coat in if I could!
  • Going golfing? Well, watch out! Just because it's a sport doesn't mean you can't wear a sweatsuit!

Lookit Results[edit source]

Good Fit Wonderful! Locked in and on point! Until I see you again, take care!
Bad Fit Hm? Rather casual, isn't it? I never wear things like this... What a thrill!
Good Colors This color scheme is great as well! Feels like you played this one by the rules!

Lookit for You Event[edit source]


Style My Item / Match My Hair Event[edit source]


Item Unlock Event[edit source]

Nice Outfit Event[edit source]

Greeting That style of yours is really something, isn't it? You know exactly which rules to break!
Type A Player
Type B Player Now that I have it on, I think I like it even more! I wouldn't normally wear something like this!

Loyal Follower Event[edit source]

Friend Introduction Event[edit source]

Showroom Visit[edit source]

Pre-Style Speech Bubble
Post-Style Speech Bubble

Names in Other Languages[edit source]

English[edit source]

Descriptor: Prestigious
Name: Prescott  

Français (French)

Descriptor: l'élitiste
Name: Élois
Additional Info: Written in-game as "Élois l'élitiste"  

Deutsch (German)

Descriptor: Prestige
Name: Prescott
Additional Info: Written in-game as "Prescott Prestige"  

日本語 (Japanese)

Descriptor: 品行方正な (Hinkouhousei na)
Name: アイビー (Aibii)

Trivia[edit source]

A datamine reveals the additional information about Prestigious Prescott.

Personal Information[edit source]

Age: 19
Country: United States

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