Respectful Rex

From Fashion Dreamer Wiki
Respectful Rex
Uyauyashii Kyou
Default Appearance
Body Type B
Hairstyle Side-Swept Short R
Hair Color Deep Blue
Face Shape Type 5
Eyebrows Benevolent
Eyebrow Color Dark Gray
Lashes Deep Blue
Eyes Type 13
Eye Color Type 26
Eye Highlights Misty
Nose Type 3
Facial Accents None
Facial Hair None
Facial Hair Color N/A
Lips Type 11
Lip Color Blurred Salmon Pink
Skin Color Type 17
Makeup None
Body Shape Type 5

Respectful Rex (Uyauyashii Kyou) is a Type B Character Muse who can most often be found in Cocoon HOPE.

Default Clothing[edit source]

Top: Striped Shirt w/ Necktie
Bottom: Formal Dress Pants
Outerwear: Glen-Plaid Chesterfield Coat
Socks: Crew Socks
Shoes: Plain-Toe Blucher Shoes

Affinity Levels[edit source]

Affinity Description
First Met Muse Notebook - Rex
Level 1 Nice Outfit - 10 Creative Keys
Level 2 Eye Highlights - Misty
Level 3 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 4 Pattern - Plaid Suit Jacket
Level 5 Lookit for You - 10 Creative Keys
Level 6 Loyal Follower
Level 7 Friend Introduction
Level 8 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 9 Photo Pose - Respectful Rex
Level 10 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys

Quotes[edit source]

Speech Bubbles[edit source]

Pre-Lookit My, oh, my!
My, oh, my! ♪
Post-Lookit What good fortune!

Lookit Greetings[edit source]

  • Oh, my. I dare say we've not met before! I am Rex. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
  • It is I, Rex, again. How long has it been? I trust you've kept well?
  • My, oh, my! I beg your pardon! I should have been the one to seek you out. How rude of me!
  • No, no. Do not trouble yourself with a Lookit. Deigning to speak with me is kindness enough!
  • Pleasure to see you, as always. It is I, Rex. I must thank you for the generosity of your conduct.
  • Thank you for sparing your valuable time! You needn't fuss over my Lookit. Simple is quite fine.
  • Forgive my imposition, but I wondered if you might take a look at my outfit?
  • I'm actually attempting to speak casually, if you can believe it. My upbringing was rather strict.
  • Some see excessive politeness as rude, but I'm afraid I cannot help it. I hope you can forgive me.
  • No one has ever tolerated my presence quite so well as you! How can I ever repay you?
  • I'm sure you're busy, so forgive my intrusion... But I wonder if you might make a Lookit for me?
  • I'm so delighted to cross paths with you! Today as well, I wonder if you might make me a Lookit?

Lookit Results[edit source]

Good Fit What a prim and proper outfit! Once again, you have opened up my eyes!
Bad Fit What a daring and audacious outfit! Once again, you have opened up my eyes!
Good Colors Not to mention, these vivid colors! I can't help but think your talents are wasted on me!

Lookit for You Event[edit source]

Greeting I'm afraid I have a request so irredeemably boorish that it pains me to even say it, but...
If it's not too terribly much trouble, I wonder if you might allow me to make a Lookit for you?
Post-Lookit I realize it pales in comparison to all you've done for me, but I hope you'll accept it nonetheless!
Well, I suppose this concludes my Lookit, such as it is!

Style My Item / Match My Hair Event[edit source]

Greeting I'm honored you would stop to talk with me! In truth, I've an outfit I'm trying to realize!
Results Yes, this is precisely the outfit I had in mind! I shall endeavor to repay this immense kindness!

Item Unlock Event[edit source]

Speaking of... have you heard of this? Allow me to show it to you, as thanks!

Nice Outfit Event[edit source]

Greeting I can only apologize for the horrible brazenness of this request, but might I copy your outfit?
Type A Player Naturally, I'll simply be taking inspiration from it! But that will be quite enough for me!
Type B Player Oh, such joy! Such rapture! I feel like I could die happy!

Loyal Follower Event[edit source]

Oh, hello! It is I, Rex! I wanted to thank you for all of your kind attention recently!
You're nothing short of an idol to me! I will endeavor to repay you! Someday, somehow!

Friend Introduction Event[edit source]

Forgive my absolute impudence, but I've gone and made an introduction on your behalf!
I should have asked you first, of course. And so I can only apologize!

Showroom Visit[edit source]

Pre-Style Speech Bubble Sorry to bother you!
Greeting I'm sorry to bother you when you're so busy, but I hear your item is the talk of the town.
And I have an overwhelming desire to try it on! Would you mind terribly...?
Results Oh, I'm so very grateful. Truly overjoyed! And I'll do my best to spread the word, too!
Would it be all right if I look around here a little more? I don't want to be in your way...
Post-Style Speech Bubble Happily grateful!

Names in Other Languages[edit source]

English[edit source]

Descriptor: Respectful
Name: Rex  

Français (French)

Descriptor: le courtois
Name: François
Additional Info: Written in-game as "François le courtois"  

Deutsch (German)

Descriptor: Respekt
Name: Rafael
Additional Info: Written in-game as "Rafael Respekt"  

日本語 (Japanese)

Descriptor: うやうやしい (Uyauyashii)
Name: キョウ (Kyou)

Trivia[edit source]

A datamine reveals the additional information about Respectful Rex.

Personal Information[edit source]

Age: 32
Country: South Korea