Lawyer Lola

From Fashion Dreamer Wiki
Lawyer Lola
O Katai Heiti
Default Appearance
Body Type A
Hairstyle Parted Long
Hair Color Plum
Face Shape Type 5
Eyebrows Flat
Eyebrow Color Plum
Lashes Dark Brown
Eyes Type 20
Eye Color Type 15
Eye Highlights Digital
Nose Type 4
Facial Accents Chin Mole L
Facial Hair None
Facial Hair Color N/A
Lips Type 8
Lip Color Burnt Sienna
Skin Color Type 3
Makeup Elegant Ruby Brown
Body Shape Type 9

Lawyer Lola (O Katai Heiti) is a Type A Character Muse who can most often be found in Cocoon LOVE.

Default Clothing[edit source]

Top: Button-up Shirt
Bottom: Long Pencil Skirt
Outerwear: Collarless Jacket
Socks: Thigh-High Socks
Shoes: Pointed-Toe High Heels
Glasses: Oval Glasses

Affinity Levels[edit source]

Affinity Description
First Met Muse Notebook - Lola
Level 1 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 2 Eye Color - Type 15
Level 3 Nice Outfit - 10 Creative Keys
Level 4 Photo Pose - Lawyer Lola
Level 5 Lookit for You - 10 Creative Keys
Level 6 Loyal Follower
Level 7 Friend Introduction
Level 8 Pattern - Grid-Print Straight Skirt
Level 9 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 10 Lip Color - Burnt Sienna
Level 11 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys

Quotes[edit source]

Speech Bubbles[edit source]

Pre-Lookit Laws of Eve, 1-1
Laws of Eve, 1-2
Laws of Eve, 2-1
Laws of Eve, 2-3
Laws of Eve, 4-1
Laws of Eve, 5-2
Laws of Eve, 7-1
Laws of Eve, 7-2
Laws of Eve, 8-1
Laws of Eve, 9-3
Do you remember?
Post-Lookit So it is written!

Lookit Greetings[edit source]

  • You (Party A) and I (Party B) shall strengthen our relationship with each other by creating Lookits!
  • If Party B likes Lookits from Party A, Party A promises to make more Lookits for Party B!
  • When wearing Party A's Lookit outfit, Party B may attract the attention of other Muses (Party C).
  • Party B reserves the right to show any Lookits made by Party C to Party A.
  • Party B shall make an effort to see Party A as much as possible. Party A shall also try to see Party B.
  • Party B shall not address Party A as "Party A." Party A shall not address Party B as "Party B."
  • Party A, Party B, and Party C shall recommend Eve highly to any persons unfamiliar with it.
  • Frequent dissemination of praise for Eve via social media and word of mouth is encouraged.
  • Party B shall treat equally the Lookits of Party A and Party C, and shall not show favoritism.
  • Party A and Party B may form a wonderful friendship via frequent communication.
  • Do you remember what Article 7, Paragraph 1 of the Laws of Eve was? Party B doesn't.
  • Do you remember the day you first met Party B? ...Wait. Which is Party A and which is Party B again?

Lookit Results[edit source]

Good Fit When Party A's Lookit is wonderful, Party B shall say to Party A, "Your Lookit is wonderful!"
Bad Fit When Party A's Lookit is surprising, Party B shall say to Party A, "Your Lookit is surprising!"
Good Colors Additionally, when Party B admires Party A's use of color, Party B shall say, "I love the colors!"

Lookit for You Event[edit source]

Greeting When Party B receives Lookits from Party A, Party B is allowed to offer Party A a Lookit in return.
However, Party A has the right to refuse. If refused, Party B shall immediately desist.
Post-Lookit Party A reserves the right to dispose of the outfit provided in the Lookit created by Party B.
However, Party A must not disclose such action to Party B, and must simply dispose of it in secret.

Style My Item / Match My Hair Event[edit source]

Greeting When Party B cannot create the outfit Party B has in mind, Party A shall step in and help... hopefully?
Results When the outfit in question is exactly as Party B imagined, Party B will smile and thank Party A.

Item Unlock Event[edit source]

Furthermore, if Party B deems said thanks inefficient, Party B shall give Party A a gift.

Nice Outfit Event[edit source]

Greeting When Party B esteems the outfit of Party A, Party A shall allow copying of said outfit.
Type A Player If Party B loves the copied outfit, Party B shall be allowed to show it off to other Muses (Party C).
Type B Player If, for any reason, Party B cannot wear said outfit, Party B shall be allowed to study its vibe.

Loyal Follower Event[edit source]

When Party A has created many Lookits for Party B, Party B shall be allowed to express gratitude.
Additionally, Party B shall also be allowed to help increase Party A's influence.

Friend Introduction Event[edit source]

In order to further increase Party A's popularity, Party B shall be allowed to promote Party A.
If any Party C wishes to meet Party A due to such promotion, Party A shall cooperate fully!

Showroom Visit[edit source]

Pre-Style Speech Bubble Without delay!
Greeting When Party A's item (Item A) is trending, Party B shall visit Party A's showroom without delay!
Furthermore, if Party B has trouble styling the look, Party B shall ask Party A for a Lookit.
Results If Party B is impressed with an Item A outfit, Party B shall express said sentiment to Party A.
Additionally, if Party B would like a picture wearing Item A, Party A shall activate the camera.
Post-Style Speech Bubble So it is written!

Names in Other Languages[edit source]

English[edit source]

Descriptor: Lawyer
Name: Lola  

Français (French)

Descriptor: l'avocate
Name: Jessica
Additional Info: Written in-game as "Jessica l'avocate"  

Deutsch (German)

Descriptor: Anwältin
Name: Annika  

日本語 (Japanese)

Descriptor: お堅い (O Katai)
Name: ヘイティ (Heiti)

Trivia[edit source]

A datamine reveals the additional information about Lawyer Lola.

Personal Information[edit source]

Age: 33
Country: Hong Kong