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Whimsical Whitney

From Fashion Dreamer Wiki
Whimsical Whitney
Kirikae ga Hayai Kumi
Default Appearance
Body Type: A
Hairstyle: Short-Bangs Wavy Long
Hair Color 1: Wisteria
Face Shape: Type 3
Eyebrows: Tranquil
Eyebrow Color: Dark Gray
Lashes: Brunette
Eyes: Type 14
Eye Color: Type 12
Eye Highlights: Ennui
Nose: Type 6
Facial Accents: None
Facial Hair: None
Facial Hair Color: N/A
Lips: Type 11
Lip Color: Gradient Dark Red
Skin Color: Type 22
Makeup: Grayish Green
Body Shape: Type 8

Whimsical Whitney (Kirikae ga Hayai Kumi) is a Type A Character Muse who can most often be found in Cocoon HOPE.

Default Outfit[edit source]

Top: Fitted Knit Turtleneck Sweater
Bottom: Long Patterned Side-Slit Skirt
Outerwear: Stripe-Detail Cable-Knit Cardigan
Shoes: Closed-Toe Pumps w/ Ankle Straps
Glasses: Square Glasses

Affinity Levels[edit source]

Affinity Description
First Met Muse Notebook - Whitney
Level 1 Nice Outfit - 10 Creative Keys
Level 2 Lip Color - Gradient Dark Red
Level 3 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 4 Lookit for You - 10 Creative Keys
Level 5 Loyal Follower
Level 6 Friend Introduction
Level 7 Pattern - Back-Seam Tights
Level 8 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 9 Photo Pose - Whimsical Whitney
Level 10 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys

Quotes[edit source]

Speech Bubbles[edit source]

Pre-Lookit Oh, no!
Post-Lookit Oh, well! ♪

Lookit Greetings[edit source]

  • Oh, no! Where am I...?! Oh, well. I guess it doesn't matter, really. ♪
  • Oh, no! I forgot to pay that bill the other day! But, oh, well. It'll all work out in the end! ♪
  • Oh, no! I was supposed to distribute that thing yesterday! Oh, well. Tomorrow's another day! ♪
  • Wait! There was something I was supposed to tell you... Oh, well. I'll remember eventually. ♪
  • Oh, no! What if I can't ever get home from here?! Oh, well. That's okay. This is a nice place. ♪
  • Wait! Did I lock the front door?! Oh, well. It's not like I have anything worth stealing. ♪
  • Uh-oh! I didn't reply to that email! Oh, well. I'll just pretend I never got it. ♪
  • My goodness! Is it that time already?! Oh, well. Time is just a concept, after all. ♪
  • What in the world am I doing here, anyway?! Oh, well. I guess I don't really need a reason. ♪
  • I just heard the world is going to end tomorrow! That's okay, though. I got to meet you today! ♪
  • Oh, no! Have I been doing that thing wrong all this time?! Oh, well. I'm sure it'll be fine. ♪
  • Yikes! I forgot I was supposed to meet my friend! Oh, well. At least I got to see you! ♪

Lookit Results[edit source]

Good Fit Ooh! I love this! ♪ This totally makes up for the mistakes I made before! ♪
Bad Fit Ooh! This is cool! ♪ This totally makes up for the mistakes I made before! ♪
Good Colors Say, there's something I really like about these colors! What, exactly? Just... they're nice! ♪

Lookit for You Event[edit source]

Greeting ou make Lookits for me, but what about you? I haven't made any for you yet!
...Oh, well. That's all right. I can just make one for you now. ♪
Post-Lookit Oh, no! Wait! I'm not done yet! I was just about to go over your outfit one more time...!
...But, oh, well. It looks fine as it is, I guess. I hope you like it! ♪

Style My Item / Match My Hair Event[edit source]

Greeting I just can't find a good outfit! But, now that I've run into you, can I ask for your help?
Results This is just the outfit I was picturing in my head! ♪ My problems are over for the day. ♪

Item Unlock Event[edit source]

Tell you what. Let me share this with you! Knowing you, you'll know just what to do with it!

Nice Outfit Event[edit source]

Greeting Get out. No way! That outfit of yours is amazing! Mind if I try to imitate it?
Type A Player Now that I have it on, I like this outfit even more! ♪ And I love being twinsies with you! ♪
Type B Player Aw, but it looks like I can't wear this particular outfit. Oh, well. I'll just admire it, instead. ♪

Loyal Follower Event[edit source]

What was I going to say... I can't remember... Oh! I remember now! Yay!
I wanted to say thank you for always making me Lookits! You help me stay in a great mood! ♪

Friend Introduction Event[edit source]

Wait. There was something I meant to tell you... Oh, well. I guess it couldn't have been important.
Oh, I know! I told my friend about you! That person really wants to come meet you, so maybe soon? ♪

Showroom Visit[edit source]

Pre-Style Speech Bubble What was I doing...?
Greeting What was I doing here...? Oh, yeah! I came to see that hot item of yours I heard about... right?
Well, I'm here, but I don't know how to wear it... Think you could give me some tips? ♪
Results Oh, so THIS is how you wear it! You've made me so happy! ♪
Do you think I could hang out a while longer? I want to take a nice long look at everything! ♪
Post-Style Speech Bubble Nice showroom! ♪

Names in Other Languages[edit source]

English[edit source]

Descriptor: Whimsical
Name: Whitney  

Français (French)

Descriptor: la désordonnée
Name: Daphné
Additional Info: Written in-game as "Daphné la désordonnée"  

Deutsch (German)

Descriptor: Wunderliche
Name: Wanda  

日本語 (Japanese)

Descriptor: 切り替えが早い (Kirikae ga Hayai)
Name: クミ (Kumi)
Additional Info: Kirikae ga Hayai means she changes topics very quickly.

Trivia[edit source]

A datamine reveals the additional information about Whimsical Whitney.

Personal Information[edit source]

Age: 31
Country: Japan

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