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Dabbler Darlene

From Fashion Dreamer Wiki
Dabbler Darlene
Tashumina Mīha
Default Appearance
Body Type: A
Hairstyle: Wolf Cut L
Hair Color 1: Pinkish Beige
Face Shape: Type 1
Eyebrows: Kind
Eyebrow Color: Greige
Lashes: Dark Gray
Eyes: Type 7
Eye Color: Type 5
Eye Highlights: Round
Nose: Type 5
Facial Accents: None
Facial Hair: None
Facial Hair Color: N/A
Lips: Type 10
Lip Color: Matte Soft Pink
Skin Color: Type 2
Makeup: None
Body Shape: Type 5

Dabbler Darlene (Tashumina Mīha) is a Type A Character Muse who can most often be found in Cocoon ACT.

Default Outfit[edit source]

Top: Striped Cut-&-Sew Cropped Tee
Bottom: Jeans w/ Side Buttons
Socks: Crew Socks w/ Metallic Thread
Shoes: Sneakers

Affinity Levels[edit source]

Affinity Description
First Met Muse Notebook - Darlene
Level 1 Nice Outfit - 10 Creative Keys
Level 2 Hair Color - Pinkish Beige
Level 3 Photo Pose - Dabbler Darlene
Level 4 Loyal Follower
Level 5 Friend Introduction
Level 6 Lookit for You - 10 Creative Keys
Level 7 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 8 Pattern - Large-Print Diamond-Check Tights
Level 9 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 10 Eye Color - Type 5
Level 11 Style My Item - 10 Creative Keys
Level 12 Lip Color - Matte Soft Pink

Quotes[edit source]

Speech Bubbles[edit source]

Pre-Lookit I need more time!
Spending freeze...
Post-Lookit What next? ♪

Lookit Greetings[edit source]

  • I wanna go to music festivals, buy a camera, play board games... There's not enough time!
  • Vintage cameras can be hard to find, but, oh, that shutter sound!
  • The lineup at the next music fest is crazy! My faves are on different stages at the same time!
  • I just got into this new pop star who's perfect for me, but... I do NOT need a new obsession!
  • I never wanna say no to my board game friends! What if this is the time I finally win?!
  • With comics, I usually go for one-shots. Because I know I'm gonna read 'em a million times!
  • If I listen to music, it's gotta be on vinyl! I wanna hear that hum!
  • There's a little independent movie theater near me, and the stuff they show is SO interesting!
  • I come back from department stores with things and I don't even remember why I bought them!
  • I collect so many figurines and stuffed animals! It makes moving a nightmare...
  • My bank account is getting drained by all these hobbies! I need to go on a spending freeze!
  • Next month, I'll go to a concert, buy a new video game... some new comics, some new figurines...

Lookit Results[edit source]

Good Fit Oh, I love stuff like this! Nice to get a break from my hobbies! Wait. Is fashion a hobby, too?
C-Can I pull this off? I-Is it all right? D-Does it look good? Well, okay, then!
Bad Fit Whoa! I would never pick this for myself! I-Is it all right? D-Does it look good? Well, okay, then!
Good Colors And these colors are great! I need to learn more about color coordination... A new hobby, maybe?

Lookit for You Event[edit source]

Greeting I wanna play board games and buy a camera, but I'm outta money! I need an outlet!
I can't just sit still! I need to do something, so can I do a Lookit for you?!
Post-Lookit Well, whaddaya think?! Ooh, I feel so relieved...
Oh, don't worry about keeping that on if you don't like it. I just needed to blow off some steam!

Style My Item / Match My Hair Event[edit source]

Greeting I can’t think of what to wear and it’s cramping my style! There are so many other things I wanna do!
Results Thanks! This is just what I wanted! Now I can finally get back to my hobbies. ♪

Item Unlock Event[edit source]

Oh, but wait! Can I show you this?! I think you'll be really into it. ♪

Nice Outfit Event[edit source]

Greeting That outfit is a real bull's-eye! I could go on about it for hours!
Type A Player Wow, now it's a bull's-eye for me, too! I can go spread your fashion all over now. ♪
Type B Player I bet everyone would like to look like that! Not that I'm the best judge of that sort of thing!

Loyal Follower Event[edit source]

Hey, thanks for always making Lookits for me! And... sorry I talk so much!
I don't really ever contribute anything, but... I'm pulling for you!

Friend Introduction Event[edit source]

I was talking to somebody I met here recently and started telling them all about you!
I guess they're going to come here now. Be nice to them when they do!

Showroom Visit[edit source]

Pre-Style Speech Bubble So much to do! ♪
Greeting I wanted to try on that trending item of yours, so I came on over to your showroom.
But then I saw all kinds of other things I liked! I wanted to take pics, too! Whew! So much to do! ♪
Results Ah! I feel so much more grounded and calm wearing this! Thank you!
Next, I'd like to capture this place on film... And then, I'd like to see all your items...! ♪
Post-Style Speech Bubble So much fun! ♪

Names in Other Languages[edit source]

English[edit source]

Descriptor: Dabbler
Name: Darlene  

Français (French)

Descriptor: la touche-à-tout
Name: Lou
Additional Info: Written in-game as "Lou la touche-à-tou"  

Deutsch (German)

Descriptor: Begeisterte
Name: Bina  

日本語 (Japanese)

Descriptor: 多趣味な (Tashumi na)
Name: ミーハ (Miiha)

Trivia[edit source]

A datamine reveals the additional information about Dabbler Darlene.

Personal Information[edit source]

Age: 25
Country: Japan