Probability Preston

From Fashion Dreamer Wiki
Probability Preston
Kakuritsuron no Pase
Default Appearance
Body Type B
Hairstyle Parted-Bangs Wavy Mid-Length
Hair Color Viridian
Face Shape Type 1
Eyebrows Elegant
Eyebrow Color Deep Green
Lashes Viridian
Eyes Type 15
Eye Color Type 21
Eye Highlights Center
Nose Type 2
Facial Accents None
Facial Hair None
Facial Hair Color N/A
Lips Type 12
Lip Color Blurred Salmon Pink
Skin Color Type 17
Makeup None
Body Shape Type 8

Probability Preston (Kakuritsuron no Pase) is a Type B Character Muse who can most often be found in Cocoon HOPE.

Default Clothing[edit source]

Top: Geometric-Print Short-Sleeve Shirt
Bottom: Center-Crease Dress Pants
Socks: Crew Socks
Shoes: Leather Slip-ons

Affinity Levels[edit source]

Affinity Description
Level 1 Style My Item
Level 2 Loyal Follower
Level 3 Friend Introduction
Level 4 Hair Color - Viridian
Level 5 --
Level 6 Pattern - Logo Sweatshirt
Level 7 --
Level 8 --
Level 9 Photo Pose - Probability Preston (B)

Quotes[edit source]

Speech Bubbles[edit source]

Pre-Lookit Probability...
Post-Lookit Amazing!

Lookit Greetings[edit source]

  • There's a 10% chance you're left handed... But what are the chances you'll make me a Lookit?

Lookit Results[edit source]

Good Fit This is even better than predicted! Has my statistical model failed, somehow?
Bad Fit
Good Colors And these colors? Talk about a sure thing! Surely these are the fruits of my statistical model!

Lookit for You Event[edit source]


Style My Item / Match My Hair Event[edit source]

Greeting The chances of me making my ideal outfit are 0%. Given that, what am I to do?
Results I see. I should have asked you from the start. This is further proof of your reliability!

Item Unlock Event[edit source]

Nice Outfit Event[edit source]

Type A Player
Type B Player

Loyal Follower Event[edit source]

Friend Introduction Event[edit source]

Showroom Visit[edit source]

Pre-Style Speech Bubble
Post-Style Speech Bubble

Names in Other Languages[edit source]

English[edit source]

Descriptor: {{{ENGnameD}}}
Name: {{{ENGnameN}}}