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Hi, I’m Kitty! Ive been a fan of Style Boutique/Savvy since the first game, wow! Here ill put my findings to put on pages (feel free to add yourself)

Writer Penny: Intro: Kids create the trends, and adults jump on them… I feel pretty sorry for adults sometimes… Good(?): This… is like an old fashion trend that’s about to come back around, don’t you think?! Colour: And, goodness! This color scheme! It’s hot! I’m using it as inspiration for my next article! (Music note) Level 2-3 special info Thanks for always thinking up outfits for me! Don’t have much time right now, so I’ll leave it at that! Oh wait! Let me share this with you as thanks! I can’t have you work for exposure all the time. Music note Plaid pants pattern Sporty Courtney: Intro: In judo, did you know the best belt of all is the red belt, not the black belt? Bad: This outfit looks a little hard to move in… But nothing will keep me from moving! Music note Color: Wow. This use of color is very energizing! Makes me want to move all the more! One, two! Music note 2-3 match my hair: I’ve got an outfit in mind… But I can’t quite crack it! You hit it out of the park! HOOOME RUN! This is just what I was picturing! …Oh, and yeah! Let me show you this! I thought it’d suit you. Music note Neon green hair colour Affable Alfie: Intro: Three times now! That’s crazy! Wanna make me another Lookit? Or grab a coffee? Bad(?): Whoa. I look so… serious! That’s hilarious! You’re super funny! Color: And these colors rule, too! I’ll be back, for sure! Level 2-3 Loyal follower: You and I really see eye to eye, don’t we? We never got that coffee, but we do get along well! I hope all your dreams come true! If you ever have any troubles, let me know! I’ll buy you a coffee! Earl erick: Intro: I once met a famous acrobat, Leotard. It seems all ballerinas wear his namesake today! Bad(?): Hm, what a curious combination of clothing! You have untold depths! Fascinating! Color: I must tip my cap to your use of color as well! Truly, your sense of fashion is timeless! Outfit-Battler Owen: Intro: A sacred mystery, bending time! Go! Vintage Wash! Bad: Hmph! That’s a strange special move! But this isn’t over! Color: And this color scheme! It’s extraordinary! Could you be the legendary C’s heir?!