
Joined 4 December 2023
334 bytes added ,  7 months ago
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o/ i'm just going to dump my findings here, to be removed as i (or others) can add them to pages. i'm really new to wiki editing so if i add something to the wrong field or etc feel free to move it to the correct one without asking!
'''friendship level unlocks that either belong to characters that don't have a page yet or where i have No Clue what level they belong to:'''
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Seeking Zeke - Fantasy Aqua (colors)
Wordsmith Watson - level 1 event (style my item) --> What is "ideal"? What does it... mean? However much I chase after it, I cannot achieve it... (before) --> Amazing! You've outdone yourself! There are untold depths here! (after) - level 2 event (loyal follower) --> You never cease to amaze... You're just so pleasing to gaze upon! --> I don't know what the future holds for you, but just know that I admire your meteoric rise!
