
Joined 19 November 2023
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===Field-Plowing Platon===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: New rice becomes old rice after a year! Then a year later, old old rice! Then old old rice!
Didya know that cauliflower was developed from broccoli? And broccoli from cabbage!
A bumper crop is great, but be careful! Too many potatoes and you get sick of 'em!
Good: Hoo boy! These are some vivid colors! I should put this on my scarecrow!
Color: I'm diggin' this color scheme, too. If I plow the fields in this, we're guaranteed a bumper crop!
Lvl 4 special info: You've been far too kind to this ol' farm boy. Wanted to give you some stuff from my farm, but...
If I recall, you don't know 'bout this, right? Well, it's all yours. Least I can do.
Eye highlights: fresh
Lvl 5 style my item: I'd love to be one o' them fancy-lookin' farmers, but I just can't find the right glad rags...
Well, if this ain't farm fashion at its finest! You've guaranteed us a heckuva harvest, I reckon!
===Holding Back Zach===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: I really am just looking right now! You can make me a Lookit next time, okay?!
Bad: Whoa. It's a little off the rails... But, wait. It actually looks good on me?! Well, okay, then...
Color: And these are some fancy colors! So, uh... thanks!
lvl 3: nice outfit: Hey, ignore me! I don't need anything right now! I just think your outfit looks cool!
B: Wait. Now we're matching?! And it looks good one me? Well, FINE.
===Ex Bandmate Barry:===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: My favorite chord is a Cmaj7... Least favorite, that'd be E/G#.
Good: Ooh, I'm looking good! Think I'm getting an idea for a new song!
Color: You're a real pro with your color schemes, too! I guess it's all about harmony, just like music!
===Singing Sanford===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: Change your clothes, woah, woah! music note
Change your perspective, whoa, whoa! music note
At midnight, whoa, whoa! music note
It'll be a brand-new day, whoa! music note
After winter, whoa, whoa! music note
Comes spring, whoa, whoa! music note
Good: Pick an outfit, whoa, whoa! music note
And everything'll be all right, whoa, whoa! music note
Color: And this color scheme is great! music note
It's so... whoa, whoa, whoa! music note
Lvl 1 nice outfit: You look so good right now! music note
Whoa, whoa! music note
B: And now that I have it on, too, whoa, whoa! music note
I'm so happy! Whoa, whoa! music note
Lvl 2: Loyal follower: Time to be happy, time to be grateful! music note Whoa, whoa! music note
Even though we may not always get along... music note
I promise our friendship will stay strong! music note
===Shocked Shane===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: Listen. The craziest thing just happened! I got exactly $7.77 back in change!
Listen. The craziest thing just happened! I won 30 coin flips in a row!
Good: What an unbelievably joyful outfit! Must be my lucky day again!
Bad: What an unbelievably wonderful outfit! This'll scare any bad luck away, for sure!
Color: This color scheme... is amazing! All kinds of crazy stuff is bound to happen today!
Lvl 1: Nice outfit: I d-don't believe it! That outfit you're wearing is exactly what I've been looking for!
B: Wait, wait, wait! This fits perfectly! Just what kind of modern-day miracle worker are you?!
Lvl 2: special info: Listen. The craziest thing just happened! I just thought of you and BAM! There you were!
You know what? Here. I want to share this and see what miracle you make with it.
Type 12 eye color
===Hiding Haden===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: Maybe I should have made myself easier to find.
Bad: Wow. This is a bit flashy, isn't it?! Won't I get found right away in this?!
Color: This color scheme is really stylish, too! Almost too stylish for me to notice!
===Villager Viggo===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: The villager tried growing a beard! The villager seems a little more mature now!
Good: The villager received a Lookit and was satisfied! The villager's fashion sense increased by 1!
Color: The villager liked the color scheme! You received 1 appraisal point from the villager!
Lvl 4: Friend introduction: A villager appears! The village has summoned a friend!
The villager's friend is coming... The villager's usefulness increased by 2!
===Rhyming Ryan===
Intro bubble:
Outro bubble:
Intro: Yo! Hey, there! The name's Ryan. music note
To get a cool Lookit, that I'm tryin'. music note
Good: That's a funky rhythm. Feels like a schism. music note
Maybe I'll look harder to find that wisdom. music note
Color: Also, these colors are so Ryan, I ain't lyin'. music note
They pick me off the ground and send me flyin'. music note
Lvl 1: style my item: Hard rhymes for hard times. It's hard to decide. music note
Maybe a cool style, you could provide? music note
That was wild. You definitely know 'bout style. music note
Ain't seen skills like that in a long while. music note
