Field-Plowing Platon: Difference between revisions

Added a lookit greeting and a post-lookit speech bubble.
(Added infobox, default appearance, level unlock info)
(Added a lookit greeting and a post-lookit speech bubble.)
Line 52:
|PostLookitSpeechBubble1=Yup, yup! ♪
|GreetingsLine1=New rice becomes old rice after a year! Then a year later, old old rice! Then old old rice!
|GreetingsLine2=Didya know that cauliflower was developed from broccoli? And broccoli from cabbage!
|GreetingsLine3=A bumper crop is great, but be careful! Too many potatoes and you get sick of 'em!
|GreetingsLine4=Back in the day, a supermarket was called a grocery store! From gross to super. Now, THAT'S an upgrade!
|GoodResults=Hoo boy! These are some vivid colors! I should put this on my scarecrow!
|ColorResults=I'm diggin' this color scheme, too. If I plow the fields in this, we're guaranteed a bumper crop!
